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On why my %memit fails on OSX

Category: benchmarking
#IPython #magic #memit #mprun #benchmarking #python

In my last post I mentioned that I’m not satisfied with the current state of %memit, because some more complicated numerical function calls make it crash. I will start this post with a reminder of a pretty important bug:

[On MacOS X (10.7 but maybe more), after forking a new process, there is a segfault in Grand Central Dispatch on the BLAS DGEMM function from Accelerate.][]

EDIT 1: In a hurry, I forgot to mention how Olivier Grisel and David Cournapeau spent some time narrowing down this issue, starting from an odd testing bug in scikit-learn. They reported it to Apple, but there was, as of the date of this post, no reaction.

EDIT 2: MinRK confirms, and I verified shortly after, that this bug is fixed in Mountain Lion (10.8). Still not sure how far back it goes, though, so feedback is welcome.

When I first tried to make the %memit magic, I thought about simply measuring the current memory, running the command, and measuring the memory again. The problem is the results are not consistent, because Python tries to reuse already allocated memory whenever it can.

Using memory_profiler, here’s an example illustrating this elastic memory management:
[sourcecode lang=”python”]
# mem_test.py
import numpy as np

def make_a_large_array():
return np.ones((1000, 1000))

def main():

# in IPython:
In [1]: import mem_test

In [2]: %mprun -f mem_test.main mem_test.main()
Filename: mem_test.py

Line # Mem usage Increment Line Contents

8 24.8477 MB 0.0000 MB def main():
9 24.8633 MB 0.0156 MB make_a_large_array()
10 32.4688 MB 7.6055 MB make_a_large_array()
11 32.4688 MB 0.0000 MB make_a_large_array()

If this was in an IPython environment, and one would like to see how much memory make_a_large_array() uses, you could say we can simply run it a few times and take the maximum. However, if you happened to accidentally call main() once before, you will no longer get a good result:

[sourcecode lang=”python”]
In [3]: %mprun -f mem_test.main mem_test.main()
Filename: mem_test.py

Line # Mem usage Increment Line Contents

8 32.4922 MB 0.0000 MB def main():
9 32.5234 MB 0.0312 MB make_a_large_array()
10 32.5234 MB 0.0000 MB make_a_large_array()
11 32.5234 MB 0.0000 MB make_a_large_array()

So how can we get consistent results for the memory usage of an instruction? We could run it in a fresh, new process. I implemented this in %memit and it shows:

[sourcecode lang=”python”]
In [5]: %memit mem_test.make_a_large_array()
maximum of 3: 8.039062 MB per loop

In [6]: %memit mem_test.make_a_large_array()
maximum of 3: 8.035156 MB per loop

In [7]: %memit mem_test.make_a_large_array()
maximum of 3: 8.042969 MB per loop

This way you can also realistically benchmark assignments:

[sourcecode lang=”python”]
In [8]: %memit X = mem_test.make_a_large_array()
maximum of 3: 8.054688 MB per loop

In [9]: %memit X = mem_test.make_a_large_array()
maximum of 3: 8.058594 MB per loop

In [10]: %memit X = mem_test.make_a_large_array()
maximum of 3: 8.058594 MB per loop

If we don’t spawn a subprocess, del doesn’t help, but allocating new variables does:
[sourcecode lang=”python”]
In [11]: %memit -i X = mem_test.make_a_large_array()
maximum of 3: 7.632812 MB per loop

In [12]: del X

In [13]: %memit -i X = mem_test.make_a_large_array()
maximum of 3: 0.000000 MB per loop

In [14]: %memit -i Y = mem_test.make_a_large_array()
maximum of 3: 7.632812 MB per loop

In [15]: %memit -i Z = mem_test.make_a_large_array()
maximum of 3: 7.632812 MB per loop

Now, the problem is that when the function that you are benchmarking contains calls to np.dot (matrix multiplication), the subprocess will consistently fail with SIGSEGV on affected OS X systems. These are actually pretty much all the functions that I intended %memit for: numerical applications. For that reason, I have made %memit notify the user when all subprocesses fail, and to suggest the usage of the -i flag.

I think that, with this update, %memit is flexible and usable enough for actual use, and therefore for merging into memory_profiler.

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