On setuptools subpackages

Category: python
#python #setuptools

Today, I spent more than two hours trying to figure out why, despite things working out fine in my development scikits.learn folder, python setup.py install would completely ignore the module I refactored into a subpackage.

I imagined that simply adding it to the parent __init__.py __all__ attribute would do, I kind of thought that setuptools automatically finds the subpackages.

At first I thought of looking in setup.py, but I only examined the one in the topmost directory, which, in the case of scikits.learn, is two degrees of separation away from the actual setup.py that takes care of subpackages (ie. I was looking at /setup.py instead of /scikits/learn/setup.py).  This had me fooled for a while.

The steps to add a working and installable module to a python setuptools-based project are as follows:

  1. Add a __init__.py file in the folder (ie. /scikits/learn/decomposition/__init__.py)
  2. If the module requires compiling or any special attention, add an appropriate  __setup__.py file in the folder.
  3. Update the __init__.py __all__ attribute in the parent folder (ie. /scikits/learn/__init__.py)
  4. Update the setup.py in the parent folder (ie. /scikits/learn/setup.py) by adding something like:

Don’t forget to do the same for the tests subfolder!


While wasting so much time due to a simple beginner’s mistake is not very pleasant, I am not frustrated with setuptools. On the contrary, now that I understand it better I can appreciate its flexibility and clarity, when compared to, for example, MSBuild and Visual Studio project files. Just one more reason to love Python!

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