Dynamically generated benchmarks with vbench

Category: scikit-learn
#gsoc #vbench #benchmarking #python

To construct a vbench benchmark you need a setup string and a code string. The constructor’s signature is:

Benchmark(self, code, setup, ncalls=None, repeat=3, cleanup=None, name=None, description=None, start_date=None, logy=False).

Why generate benchmarks dynamically?

For most scikit-learn purposes, the code string will be …

Summer of Code roadmap, part 1

Category: scikit-learn
#gsoc #Uncategorized

After a little busy while, I have graduated and entered the summer vacation, which means time for serious GSoC work.

[Me on graduation day][]

So we had a little conference in order to discuss what will be done and when. We gathered quite a few code snippets since the official start of the project …